This question comes up quite a lot.
The BT Vision service uses a special BT Vision V+ box to get live TV from Freeview, and on-demand content over a BT Broadband connection.
So, what happens if you are looking for a BT Vision Multiroom service, where you end up with two BT Vision boxes, for different rooms in the house?
Sadly, at the moment, having two BT Vision boxes working from a single BT Broadband-enabled phone line is not supported.

Why is that?
It’s our understanding that the BT Vision box communicates to the BT Vision remote servers for services such as the on-demand video, electronic programme guide and software updates. The box has to communicate heavily with the Vision server, and it’s a one-to-one thing. Having two boxes on one line causes problems, as the server can’t communicate effectively with two different boxes
So, what can I do?
Here are a few options:
Option 1: If you really want two fully featured BT Vision boxes at your home, you will need to get a second BT phone line, and sign up to a second BT Broadband account. This is obviously not a cheap option
Option 2: The easier option is to connect one BT Vision box’s output to the second TV. You can do this using co-ax aerial cable (with a TV extension kit), or wirelessly (using an AV sender). For more on this option see the BT Vision in other rooms FAQ at Radio and Telly. The down-side to this, is that you’ll be limited to watching the same thing on both TV sets.
Option 3: The final option, is to consider what you actually want to achieve. If it’s the live TV you’re interested in getting to other rooms (as opposed to the on-demand content), then a basic Freeview box connected to your TV aerial is all that’s needed to watch the live channels found on a BT Vision box
Anything else I should know?
It’s only fair to mention that some people have been able to get two BT Vision boxes to work on the same phone line, normally by ensuring that only one box is connected to the broadband line at any one time. The solution isn’t ideal, and typically results in programmes not being recorded correctly and the box not getting new software upgrades. The configuration is not supported by BT, and people who try it, do so at their own risk
There is a chance that BT may offer some sort of multiroom service in the future, but we’re not aware of any firm plans at this time.
Other links
More BT Vision questions answered on the unofficial BT Vision FAQ
This is BT’s way of controlling the box as a recording device. If you connect it without a bt bb connection you wont be able to watch recorded content as the table of contents is held on the server not the hard drive. Personally I think BT have shot themselves in the foot with this nannying approach as it leaves them lagging behind sky with their multiroom option. Another facility yet to work is the usb port on the front of the box which would presumably allow you to watch content from a memory stick or portable hd. This would make the box much more desirable but again it doesn’t work.
i have two bt vision boxes connected and they both work fine? one is connected with a cable and the other with the powerline adaptor. Never have any issues at all ..
Have 2 BT boxes. Both work great and we get to see the recordings on both boxes. No setup required just plugged them both into power line plugs. Working for 3 months.
Hi all can someone help please ive got a bt vision box downstairs and want to use one upstairs and using a power adapter downstairs and ill obviously have to use one upstairs but will i need to plug another power adapter into another port in the back of the hub or will the 2nd box just use the one thats plugged in it for the downstairs, any help i would appreciate it cheers :)
You should be able to use two HomePlug receivers with a single transmitter. Best to stick to the same make and model
i have currently 3 vision + boxes running, all able to record there own and all have access to on demand,
i recieved one vison+ box and set of 2 powerline adapters,
i purchased an additional 2 boxes on ebay, at £20, and also another set of powerline adapters, the adapters are differents, you only need the main one th connects to bthub, and addtional ones that are labled on the back to connect to bt vision+box, u can get theese on ebay too, for £20 or less,
in my case my set up is…
bthub3(new black hub) powerline adapter labled in the back to connect to hub,
in each room i have 3 adapters that are labled connect to vision + box connected to main wall NOT through extention cable, main socket) connected to each hub via ethernet,
it was a little tricky syncing up the adpters, just timing, lol
hold config button for 5 secs until flashes, run to your other adapter and do the same, after a few trys they will all sync up and have 3 green lights,
they all updated, with no problems to the christmas update, and should do so with future, had for over 4 months no problems, ;-)
Can anyone clarify a point for me?
My 1st bt vision box is right next to the hub, so currently connected direct to it.
To add a 2nd bt vision box, do I need to connect the 1st box to a powerline adapter (plugged direct into the main ring), then do the same with the 2nd box?
Connect the first box direct to the Hub. Connect the second box via Powerline
Thanks for reply, I am a bit confused, as instructions say powerline adapter nees to be connected to back of hub, so do I connect box to Lan1 and powerline adapter to Lan2, or vice versa?
Also, if multiple powerline adapters are used do you have to use 2, 4, 6 etc as it talks about pairings, or does it just mean each one finds at least one other?
Thanks for your support.
Each box needs to be connected to the Hub. It doesn’t matter which port on the hub.
So – For the first box, connect a wire from the BT Vision box “LAN Out” to any socket on the BT Home Hub.
If you want to try to use a second box in another room… you will need two Powerline adapters. Place one next to the second BT Vision box and the other one next to the Hub. Then, connect a lead from the second BT Vision box to the Powerline plug. By the Hub, plug a lead from the other Powerline plug to any socket on the Hub.
Hi An improvement on previous result, but I have a few funnies happening having tried this.
The programmes previously recorded on the original machine now only show on the second machine.
I can set the original machine to record new items and they show on the original machine, but the second machine won’t let me record, I get a R06 error code.
Any ideas welcomed. Have tried rebooting and pressing the link buttons.
Hi Cath,
I’ve tried this too for a few months, and am skeptical about the comments above of it “all being fine” – my own experience is that it just leads to all kinds of horridness, mostly around recording. Typically one or both boxes get stuck “permanently” recording and require a reset, or recordings get lost, the recording menu wont appear, live TV won’t pause – just a continual headache. My advice – read through the top of this article again, because the original article is spot-on in terms of technically accurate content. 2 boxes in one house just isn’t going to fly for you at this time unless either you have a totally separate BT line and subscription, or BT update the boxes to support this configuration in the future. Fingers crossed for the latter.
Pretty much echoing Cam here.
BT Vision is designed for one box talking over one phone line to their server.
BT Vision does not support multiroom.
The problem with two boxes on one line, is that when the server sends a message, it’s pot luck on which box gets the message. Unplugging one box when using the other may be a sort-of way around this, but it’s not really practical
If BT Vision Multiroom worked, as has been suggested here, then BT would promote it as a feature (which they don’t)
I like Jason had Bt Vison in two rooms for over 3 years until yesterday without any problem.
I kept my old box every time it was upgraded and had an extra powerline ethernet connecter in the other room.
I tried it today but got a message ” V404 your account has been suspended”.
On contacting BT they said that they had done this because I only pay for one service so should not receive two.
They informed me that they had migrated everyone over to the new box so no one should be able to get their full package on more than one box now. (is this true????)
The black box in my bedroom was now unable to play films or catch up …it is the one out before the latest box(the navigator on this one was far better than the new version is in my opinion)
I can still watch freeview and record.
Not happy at all with BT as I only watch the box in the bedroom when I am not watching the box in the living room..the chap in customer services was quite rude and made me feel like I was stealing the service that I do pay for by the way.
I left Sky because I felt they were overly greedy in charging for every extra going…I thought BT were better than this….wonder if they have cracked the multi room problem and are about to charge for the privlidge too!!
Any way winge now over …Thanks for listeningx