I have a new SKY HD box and have been trying to connect to my Sony Bravia 32D-3000 via HDMI with no success. When I try to select from the source list, the HDMI device list is greyed out. I can connect using SCART, but this is not HD. Any suggestions?
Submitted by: David Mitchell
Our Answer
Connecting a Sky+ HD box to an HD TV set via HDMI should just work. There’s normally no need to alter any settings.
If you’re unable to get your TV set to recognise the HDMI feed from the Sky box, here are a few things to try:
- With the box connected to the TV, try switching the set-top box off and on again
- Try switching the TV set off and on again with the Sky box connected
- Try rebooting the Sky+ HD box (by removing the mains plug for 30 seconds)
- Using a temporary SCART connection, make sure the Sky+ HD box output is set to one of the HD resolutions, 720 or 1080. You do this using Settings > Picture> HD Resolution
- Try connecting to a different HDMI socket on the TV (if your TV has one)
- Try connecting with a different HDMI lead (in case there is a problem with the lead)
- Try connecting another HD device to the TV set (to confirm that the TV and lead are OK)
Still not working?
If you’re still having a problem, check your TV’s manual in case there’s some other step you need to take with that particular make/model to get HD working. Each TV is different, so you have may to go through the on-screen menu options and/or the manual to see if there is anything special needed for your TV set.
Other Suggestions
If you’re still having a problem, you need to determine whether the problem is with the Sky box, the HDMI lead, or the TV. You can do this by:
- Try a different HDMI lead
- Try connecting a different HD source in the TV
- Try connecting the Sky box on another HD TV
I have a problem getting any television reception which was set up to work via a satellite receiver which then feeds into the tv. It was working perfectly until I changed from TV to HDMI mode (in order that I could use the TV to blow up some pictures from my laptop).
Now I can’t get it back into Tv reception mode. I can’t get any Free to Air Channels (foreign or UK).
It’s a fairly old satellite receiver (a Lemon) but it was fine until I made this switch. Any ideas what to do next?
Yo you need to throw your tv out the window samsh your satllite receiver with a mallet and jump up and down!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi have a problem with the hdmi out put on my sky box .Its a new tv have read and checked settings . I have checked the 20 m hdmi cable using DVD player. I have turned off sky box and tv several times to re boot . I have changed the sky box and have checked the hdmi out put using a 1 m hdmi cable and it works fine .It seems to struggle with the 20 m hdmi cable which has a booster mid way and I have just fitted another booster to help but no difference .Help
My main tv has a something fitted that enables me to watch the same sky channel in my bedroom. But the smart tv in my bedroom has all of a sudden stopped picking up sky. Checked everything conceivable- it is giving the no signal response. Yet it was absolutely perfectly working – I am going crazy with jumping between hdmi 1 , 2 and 3. Please help. I think I’m trying the wrong thing using source button? Looking for a mallet ….