Q: is it possible to use two BT Vision boxes as the same time?
At the moment, you can only have one BT Vision box fully working per household.
Why is this?
The BT Vision box requires a connect to the BT Vision servers over a BT Broadband connection – this is so that it can make use of Video On Demand, and also get the electronic programme guide information. Having two BT Vision boxes on the same BT Broadband line causes problems, and so is not supported.
The workaround?
Looking to get BT in a second room? Consider connecting your main BT Vision box to a second TV using a wireless AV sender
The other option is to get a second BT phone line with its own BT Broadband account connected to a second BT Vision box. Not ideal, but it’s another option.
Other links
I recently got another btvision box so I have the original silver box and the new black one and aslong as there not on at the same time you can use both in your house,so say your in living room watching btvision you can switch it off go to bedroom where my other box is situated and watch that one.