A question from Alan Cathcart about BBC’s regional programming:
“When will the BBC regional programmes go HD?”
BBC Regional HD?
Currently, the BBC One HD and BBC Two HD channels only show UK-wide HD content, meaning that viewers watching the BBC in HD don’t get to see local regional news, weather, and other programming. It appears that the reasons for this are related to the available bandwidth, and also cost reasons. The BBC’s site states the following:
“HD programmes shown on BBC One Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland will be available on BBC HD. And all programming for different parts of the UK continues to be available on BBC One in standard definition.
Over time we hope to be able to deliver all the versions of BBC One that exist in standard definition in HD.”
Why does it matter?
More and more of us are now watching TV in HD, and by default, we’ll miss local and regional programming, unless we remember to switch back to Standard Definition.
There was some concern over this in Wales in the run-up to a referendum in 2011, where there were concerns that HD viewers would not be able to listen to both sides of debate in the run-up to the vote.
Additionally, as license payers, we’re paying for local programming that by default, those of us with HD don’t get to see.
The answer?
The BBC “hopes” to be able to deliver regional programming in HD, but hasn’t given any timeframe, and there are some technical hurdles to overcome.
All we can really suggest is that you contact the BBC to express your frustration. Go to www.bbc.co.uk/complaints
It is really appalling that the North/South divide still exists for HD tv in what should be the world’s leading broadcaster organisation . Even more frustrating now that over-75’s are paying the license fee again.
I will take your hint and send my complaint to BBC by email.
How long ago did the London region get HD?
We are Old Age Pensioners and have to start paying for a TV licence again and unfortunately we have had to buy a new fangled smart TV with all the technology on but we have the frustation of losing our local news in HD format and then we spend a lot of time trying to sort it out in a long winded way but that causes more problems than it worth.. SMART TV it is not that smart if cannot continue the news.
All these people with mobile phones etc. and probably do not pay a licence fee. why can’t they keep things simple. It sounds very good to to boast I have got all the gismo’s but I don’t ungerstand 50% of what is on the TV..
I find it hilarious that the BBC use cost as a reason for not transmitting in Hd whilst at the same time other media providers assume it as standard. Another case of the license payer forced by law into pouring money into an organisation that is arrogant in its use of said funds. The BBC needs to be defunded and allowed to stand on its own, maybe then they will start provide the service and programs that people want. at the very least it will give us the chance to choose with free will.